JI Writing Center

A Start

Dear Writers and Readers,

This new online literary journal, The Blue Tiger Review, is being started during the summer of 2018.

This journal started out of a basic need: exceptional writers were being blocked from finding the audiences that they deserved. During my summer creative writing class, my second language writers were producing work that was different enough from the norm that it was having a hard time finding a place in traditional literary markets. As a result, I saw an opportunity to create an online place for ESL creative writers to publish their work, read each others’ work, and collaborate together towards a better understanding of creative writing.

This site also hopes to promote the excellent work being done by the students at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute. While many of them are engineers, they often write for the humanities and the social sciences at a high level, and we hope to showcase some of their work here as well.

Thank you for visiting as we continue to develop our site. Please feel free to sign up for our newsletter for regular updates!

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