JI Writing Competition 2018

Vy100 Winners

First Place

Pamela Is Just Being Human

by Taeyon Kim


Taeyon Kim picks up on the long-running debate over the nature of the protagonist in Samuel Richardson’s eighteenth-century novel Pamela. Is she virtuous or simply out for money? 

Second Place

Comprehension Differences Between “Footnote to the Amnesty Report on Torture” and “The Flower” 

             by Joseph Blanco


Poetry is a diverse form. How do we know whether it is good? Joseph Blanco uses John Algeo’s theory of “good English” to evaluate two poems. 


First Place

Development of Narrative Techniques in the God of War Series

by Yangdong Huang

Video games are big business these days, especially with Sony’s God of War series. Yangdong Huang makes the case that what engages players of the 2018 version of this game is the story they experience while playing. 

Second Place

Fight Laughter with Laughter: Analysis of The Big Bang Theory 

            by Jin Ping Lim

The Big Bang Theory has been one of the most popular American sitcoms in recent history. Jin Ping Lim explores how it represents different forms of laughter as both the cause of and cure to social problems. 

Third Place

Wang Pun Road

             by Zhanpeng Zhou


Working in the mode of creative nonfiction, Zhanpeng Zhou takes us down Wang Pun Road to reflect on how the city of Shanghai is changing. 

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